Master of Theology
- 30 Credit Hours
- Online Class
- Advanced Degree
- For MDiv Graduates Only
program description
program description
An advanced degree program (30 credit hours) designed to prepare students currently in vocational ministry with the highest level expertise in the biblical and theological application of God’s truth to their contextual ministry setting in the church and parachurch.
Required Documents
- Completed any four (4) year Bachelor’s Degree Program
- Completed and passed the iTEP Exam administered by the Admissions Advisor
- Completed the Online Application Form
- Accomplished and submitted the following:
- Transcripts from previous course work
- Personal Acquaintance Recommendation
- Pastor’s Recommendation
The application will be evaluated for approval by the Admissions Committee.
If in case you forget what you need to do, worry not yourself. Our Admissions Advisors will be in touch to fill you along the way and assist you on the next step!

Contact Us
Our Admissions Team in the Philippines is eager to hear from you and to answer your questions. If you have questions, we invite you to complete our contact form on the right, and we’ll be sure to contact you immediately!
Additional Information
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